Humans as Widgets

Humans as Widgets

Would putting humans on an assemble line be such a bad thing? This is not an article about human trafficking or people as “things”. Although that terrible problem would be eliminated if we were to adopt a factory methodology to human lives. I know it sounds nuts but...
Planning Past You & Me

Planning Past You & Me

I fully expect that the things I write about will create a lot of anger, trepidation and fury.  People will snarl in the comments, rage against the ideas that their industry is meaningless or their work is a false prophet meant to keep them busy and derive profits...
The End of Insurance

The End of Insurance

Value-Adding Work is work that adds value to the happiness and well-being of humans.  It does not exist for the aggregation of wealth for wealth’s sake nor does it exist to promote more jobs for the sake of having more jobs.  For this reason, we deem insurance a...